Inspection Checklist

Make sure all PV system AC/DC disconnects and circuit breakers are in the open position and verify the

  1. All work done in a neat and workmanlike manner (CEC 110.12).
  2. PV module model number, quantity and location according to the approved plan.
  3. Array mounting system and structural connections according to the approved plan.
  4. Roof penetrations flashed/sealed according to the approved plan.
  5. Array exposed conductors are properly secured, supported and routed to prevent physical damage.
  6. Conduit installation according to CRC R331.3 and CEC 690.4(F).
  7. Firefighter access according to approved plan.
  8. Roof-mounted PV systems have the required fire classification (CBC 1505.9 or CRC R902.4).
  9. Grounding/bonding of rack and modules according to the manufacturer’s installation instructions that
    are approved and listed.
  10. Equipment installed, listed and labeled according to the approved plan (e.g., PV modules, DC/DC converters,
    combiners, inverters, disconnects, load centers and electrical service equipment).
  11. For grid-connected systems, inverter is marked “utility interactive.”
  12. For ungrounded inverters, installation complies with CEC 690.35 requirements.
  13. Conductors, cables and conduit types, sizes and markings according to the approved plan.
  14. Overcurrent devices are the type and size according to the approved plan.
  15. Disconnects according to the approved plan and properly located as required by the CEC.
  16. Inspection Checklist Guide for PV Systems in One- and Two- Family Dwellings
    (For Rooftop Photovoltatic Systems meeting the Standard Plan)

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