Seamless Integration with Powerwall

The most common solar option on the market for homeowners consists of dull blue and black solar cells that are noticeably applied onto the roofs of residential homes and the like. Solar technology hasn’t been largely adopted because solar material often lacks the desired aesthetics and flexibility – specifically rooftop solar panels. Not only this, but solar roof panels are also typically limited to utilizing a thick metal frame, making their application more noticeable on rooftops.


  • John Snow
    Posted November 16, 2017 10:28 am 0Likes

    Love this wonderful idea!! Thanks for sharing!

    • Cindy Jefferson
      Posted November 16, 2017 10:28 am 0Likes

      That turned out really cool. I think I’ll have to try that one. Thanks

  • Mike Newton
    Posted November 16, 2017 10:28 am 0Likes

    What an interesting column! Just loved it and really looking forward to the next!

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